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Information about the Bertus Kemp Prize, Pauline van Wachem and A. van den Hooff award:


Every other year the SBBN, ‘Stichting ter Bevordering van Bindweefselonderzoek Nederland’, awards the Bertus Kemp prize for the best thesis in the field of connective tissue research. On behalf of the board of the SBBN we invite you and your colleagues to submit a thesis (to be) defended between January 1st and December 31st 2024.

The Bertus Kemp prize will be awarded during the Annual Meeting. The winner is kindly requested to present his or her work during the meeting.


To be eligible for the award, you need to

  • Be member of the NVMB.
  • Have participated to the NVMB Annual Meeting at least twice during your PhD.
  • Send your thesis together with a list of most recent accepted papers to every member of the committee (one set per member).


The committee consists of the following members:



Prof.   W. van den Berg Dr. J. Cleutjens Prof. Dr Ruud Bank (voorz.)     
Reumatologie, NCMLS Pathologie, UMCM Stem Cell & Tissue Engineering, UMCG
Geert Grooteplein 28 Postbus 616 Hanzeplein 1
6525 GA Nijmegen 6200 MD Maastricht 9713 GZ Groningen



Prof. Dr. V.   Everts Prof. Dr G. van Osch                        
Dept Oral Cell Biology (ACTA) Orthopaedie & KNO, Erasmus MC
Gustav Mahlerlaan 3004 Dr Molewaterplein 50, Room Ee1614
1081 LA Amsterdam 3015 GE Rotterdam



Dr. M. Caron | Laboratory for Experimental Orthopedics, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Maastricht |


Bertus Kemp Prize winners since 2009:

Bertus Kemp

2024 (over 2023-2024)  Margo Tuerlings

2022 (over 2020-2022) Michelle Teunissen

2020 (over 2018-2020) Frances Bach

2018 (over 2015-2018) Nils Bomer

2015 (over 2013-2014) Sander van Wijk

2013 (over 2011-2012) Gerwen Lammers

2011 (over 2009-2010) Sander Botter

2009 (over 2007-2008) Esmeralda Blaney Davidson


Van Wachem and Van den Hooff Award:

Besides the Bertus Kemp Prize the NVMB awards prizes to the best speaker (Pauline van Wachem award) and best discussion (A. van den Hooff award, since 2011) at the annual meetings.

Pauline    Hooff   Poster 


Pauline van Wachem Award: A. van den Hooff Award: Best Poster Award:
2024 Cor Ravensbergen 2024 Mugdha Jogleker  2024 Jody de Jong
2023 Jhon Ramirez Idarraga 2024 Jessica Steijns  
2022 Marieke Meteling 2023 Nataliya Migulina  
2021 Mehmet Nizamoglu 2022 Mehemt Nizamoglu  
2020 Tamar Wissing 2021 Josette van Maanen
2018 Lianne Beunk 2020 Lisanne Laagland  
2017 Lisette van Os 2018 Enrique Andrés Sastre  
2016 Inge van Loosdregt 2017 Brady Rae
2015 Hessam Tabeian 2016 Arjan van Caam  
2013 Niamh Fahy 2015 Laurie de Kroon  
2012 Arjan van Caam 2013 Wojtec Madej  
2011 Lobke Gierman 2012 Mojtaba Parvizi  
2010 Janny de Grauw 2011 Lucas Falke